At the advanced age I have now reached, I have accepted that there are some things I am just not good at and nor will I ever be. One of them is lace knitting. Another of them is having a house that looks like the houses in Living Etc (one word: woodchip. Another word: pebbledash). And another is getting blogs to look the way I want them to, despite lots of effort and going cross-eyed over css and Gimp and worse. In fact put me in front of a blog template and I am paralysed by indecision. What colour do I want my fonts to be? What shall I do with my header? And I look at people with stylish blogs and think, hmm look at you with your coherent css, jealously. Oh, it is a painful process.
So, thank goodness for Susie Jefferson (link to etsy shop), who has made over my blog – thanks Susie, I think it’s great! Susie is very easy to work with, and extremely helpful (and I suspect she’s the same even with people who don’t have the same name as her ;-) ). I was worried I would be a nightmare to work with because I had that marvellous combination of not knowing what I wanted but being very definite about what I didn’t want, but no, it was an easy, pleasant process and I would definitely recommend Susie’s services. And although I don’t like to big up my own blog, I must say, I think the end result is rather cool. (OK. I love it!)
The only problem for me now, obviously, is that I may be paralysed with stage fright at the thought of posting on my posh new blog, and will have to start writing about sensible things instead of my usual ramblings. Luckily we will be away next week so I can adjust emotionally, and return in splendour next Sunday to bore you with my holiday photos. It is also possible I may be struck with new and innovative ideas for upcycling textiles in Cley next the Sea, and if I am I will certainly tell you about it. In fact le tout Cley may be wearing Junky Styling-esque getups and it may furnish enough inspiration to get me through to Christmas (eeek! The C word! And we’re not in August yet!)
Have a lovely week everyone, and I’ll see you when I get back! x
Nightingale Quilt Completed and Gifted
1 day ago