Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Pretentious? Moi?

I have been taking part in Amy's Valentine Card swap (other participants look away now, potential spoiler alert!), and I had trouble finding inspiration. Then it came to me right at the eleventh hour and I produced this.
The stray glue doesn't look as bad in real life. Honest
Yes. I am the proud sender of the most pretentious card ever produced as part of a card swap. I posed it on Ulysses for the photograph to make it worse. I have no excuse. On the bright side if I ever have to send out any ransom notes I could do it quite quickly now. (I did get a bit of glue on the front, but, I am working on being less perfectionist and neurotic. So I left it. Oh, my swap partner has much to forgive).

(It means: I hate and I love. Why do I do this, perhaps you ask. I don't know, but I feel it happen, and I am tortured. It is by Catullus and I do think it pretty much says all you ever need to in a love poem, and if western society had just left it at that, we could have done away with great swathes of Shakespeare and probably quite a few of the Metaphysicals. Never mind though, nobody ever listens to my fantastic ideas about literary utility).


Marushka C. said...

You have managed to be classical and postmodern all at the same time.

mooncalf said...

Nice! I'm a big Catullus fan.

I particularly like the use of an ampersand - I think that adds a little post-modern humour :)

Mumma Troll said...

Not pretentious at all. I'd call it educated punk.x

Amy said...

Thanks for posting your card for the swap. Your partner let me know she got it on Feb 7. I put a linky up on my blog so people can check it out. Thanks for playing.

Unknown said...

Yo estaba buscando préstamo para resolver mis facturas y deudas, entonces vi comentarios acerca de la tarjeta de crédito en blanco ATM que puede ser hackeado para retirar dinero de cualquier cajero automático a su alrededor. Dudé así, pero decidí darle una oportunidad por contactar {angelangelgoodcard19960@gmail.com} que respondió con sus directrices sobre cómo funciona la tarjeta. Me aseguraron que la tarjeta puede retirar $ 5000 al día por día y se acreditó con $ 500.000,00 por lo que solicité para uno y pagó la tasa de entrega para obtener la tarjeta que es de 150 dólares después de 24 horas más tarde, me sorprendió ver el agente de DHL en mi Residente con un paquete {tarjeta} que firmé y volví adentro y confirmé la tarjeta de obras después de que el agente de la izquierda. Esto no es ninguna duda porque tengo la tarjeta y he hecho utilizado de la tarjeta. ¡Estos piratas informáticos son hackers basados en los EEUU establecidos para ayudar a la gente con la libertad financiera !! Póngase en contacto con estos correo electrónico si desea hacerse rico con este angelangelgoodcard19960@gmail.com WhatsApp en imo 2348105238925