Wednesday 18 April 2012

I knit a bit as well

You drop the stitches. It will look very cool. I have spoken. It is biased because of the terrible Sekku which I must repeat, you must never buy, leave it for fools like me
Echo beach (or a bit of). Yes. I am the fool who bought Noro Sekku twice, in fact I am probably the only person in the world who has been suckered in more than once. After this I am going to go and slam my hand in a door and write letters to the Daily Mail as both these things would be more productive and less masochistic.
Not even just a pansy but a pale pansy as well! Next time I would like a tulip. Thank you very much
Pansies. Kudos to Tom Art Teacher for finding the one flower in the world I have absolutely no interest in painting, but it is good to challenge yourself, says she through gritted teeth. I like a proper big bold flower, I do. Pansies, meh. I produced something a bit pretty, it threw me.
Yay charcoal! Charcoal is the best and it costs like NO MONEY! I only copied this from a photograph, but I am now on the look out for someone with lots of wrinkles who might wish to pose for me
Very quick charcoal sketch. We now have charcoal all over the kitchen table, all up my arms and on the end of my nose, it is actually worse than procion dyes. It says in my art book charcoal was very popular in the sixties which is good enough for me, I imagine they put down their patchouli, detached themselves from the orgy and trotted off to produce a few bold sketches. I copied this from a photograph but I am venturing into life drawing next week, in fact I am going to email a contact now. I may not be good at drawing but I am astonishingly quick, I am like Rolf Harris. This is because I am so used to knitting and quilting where things take months and there is no use messing about, you have to get on with things. I am expecting therefore at the life drawing class to have finished in five minutes, and then to spend the rest of the time feeding the model biscuits and perhaps doing a bit of light hoovering or dusting of easels.

Right. Cup of tea, stuff to do. For those of us who may be reading from Chesterfield, I have googled and there is an art supply shop on Cavendish street, I put this out there merely for information...


supertinks said...

ooh I like the charcoal sketch. very nice.

Ness said...

What a gorgeous charcoal sketch! I love charcoal too. I learned some REALLY neat techniques with charcoal and conte crayon when I was an undergrad. You make me miss doing art....(you are DOING ART! How sophisticated! Next you'll be telling us how only the lowly knit. ;])

Susie said...

Thank you! (And I absolutely promise I won't ;-) ).

Tanya said...

I have not yet had the pleasure of coming into contact with sekku. I will endeavour to continue to avoid it.

Vivianne said...

Akshully,I like your pansies :-) I would buy a Daily Mail just to see your letter in there LOL

kristieinbc said...

I haven't tried Noro Sekku. After reading this I don't think I ever will. :-)

Nice work on the pansies!

Anonymous said...

I really love your pansies as I really like pretty things.

I also love your charcoal because I know that sometimes less pretty is interesting, both to draw and look at and charcoal is a great medium to do it in. Some people hate using it but I really enjoy it.

I have given up the Daily Mail as it was becoming dangerous to my health to imbibe so much poison. I am now on cold turkey as I speak. Happily no withdrawal symptoms.

Emma (GirlAnachronismE) said...

I love the knitting, it looks gorgeous and so soft!