Sunday 1 April 2012

Out and about

Partner and I have been hanging out in Islington because we do not think we are sufficiently parodies of ourselves already.
Give me some coffee and I'm happy
We went to Ray Stitch on Essex Road, and I thought it was lovely. They do buns and coffees and all sorts of fabric (mostly of the quilting cotton kind but other sorts as well), also patterns and embroidery bits and the odd ball of wool. I am happy anywhere that sells me coffee and sublime stitching embroidery transfers simultaneously (I got the ones with the skulls on).
Lots of patterns. You'll never get it back in the sleeve once you've unfolded it, you know
Ribbon and fat quarters
Partner's verdict was that he liked Ray Stitch, but was not sure about the area.
This can't be a taxidermy shop, we thought. Wait...
I think it was the taxidermy shop that threw him a bit because I thought the area was great (Loop is just around the corner, so it's worth a visit. All the Wollmeise you can afford). There was a big notice in the taxidermy shop telling you that all the animals had died of natural causes and had been supplied by animal rescue organisations. I confess to finding the whole thing a bit bizarre. There was a stuffed swan. I mean, what kind of market is there for a stuffed swan? Where would I put it? In the hallway? Mind you, the taxidermy shop people might walk past Loop on their lunch break and go, God, look at all that wool. What kind of a market is there for that?
Don't go taking pictures of me. Throw my ball
This poodle was very, very bored. I thought, look, my woolly brown friend, you might be bored, but at least you're not stuffed. It could be worse.


Vivianne said...

Sounds like you had a lovely time :-) Tell partner to feed you more, you are too thin xx

The Foggy Knitter said...

Do NOT tell my neighbour that shop has a stuffed swan. She will buy it and then I'll have to live next door to it. She has a whole houseful. She is on every other level a fairly sane, pleasant human being. Taxidermy defies explanation.

Cute poodle.