Just to show you some pictures.
Light on the water! We have had no light here since the middle of last September so you can understand why I was excited |
It was like Spring here today so after my yoga class I walked the exciting way home over my Favourite Bridge. Partner thinks it is the height of tragedy to have a favourite bridge, but I am sure there are people in Paris who have strong feelings one way or another about the Pont Neuf so why I can't have a favourite bridge and a favourite walk I do not know.
I do not have a strong sense of direction but the way Cambridge seems to work is as follows: the centre and the posher side are on one side of the river, and obviously our house is on the other side. So that means I can walk home along the river, and choose which of a number of bridges I cross, and then cut across through various small terraced streets depending on things like, do I want to go to the Co-op, do I want to be waylaid by felines. I do not often go over my Favourite Bridge because it is a longer walk so, you know, it has the charm of novelty.
Our walk starts in the centre where someone was making the mistake of feeding the birds not knowing that the birds in Cambridge are as assertive as the cats and you do not mess.
Good luck getting out of this one, man with bag of bread |
We move along a bit to where I came across some yarn bombing.
They come in the night and they make your lampposts woolly |
Who is the mysterious Cambridge yarn bomber? It is not me because I can't knit quickly enough. (Oh, God. At work we were looking online at coffin prices for reasons which are just too bizarre, and did you know you can get a woolly coffin? But felted, not garter stitch. And also you can get one with a photograph of cherry blossoms on it, and matching pyjamas for the corpse).
Then I moved on to the other bit of the river and saw a dog out enjoying the spring air.
Can you spot the dog there? |
I always want to live on a boat although then I think about chemical toilets and doubt myself. Anyway there were actually boats for sail for less equity than we have got in our house so I may yet throw in the rat race and
go feeding people tea and oranges.
Then unfortunately it happened.
I don't know why they do this at you. We had rolling, then wandering up to be stroked, then rolling again and passersby probably wondering what I am doing |
I never met so many of these creatures until Partner started pointing them out, but, what he did not tell me was that once I had the Power I could never be rid of it and would have to roam leafy suburbs like a kind of
Tithonus, i.e. even the Gods can't take away their gifts and I am doomed to have cats throwing themselves at me forever.
Top bridge Evar. Pedestrians on the black, cyclists on the red, you can see it is working in practice |
Here it is! My favourite bridge! I don't know why I don't find people standing and admiring it. It has a gap in the middle so the cyclists can separate from the walkers and it has a viewing platform too. I know someone who in her youth once came and bought a donkey from travellers in the meadow it overlooks, no-one has offered me a donkey yet but I would not have far to go to take it home.
Where a church hall notice board is, there must a zumba advert be |
Notices on a church hall notice board. I always like to have a look because I am absolutely the type of person who goes off randomly attending the kinds of things they advertise, in fact, I shall be keeping an eye open
for this food fair.
And a nice stained glass window from a pretty church I sometimes call in.
I suspect this depicts Jesus but who the others are I couldn't tell you |
I have it on good authority from a Christian friend that even though I am a hedgewitch it is fine to go in churches and I will not be struck down like on the Omen. They are nice quiet places. I admire one of the altar cloths in this one but they did not have it on today so I took the window instead.
Spring! Thank goodness! At last! Hope it is nice weather where you all are x