Just a quick post to say, have you seen this site? I didn’t know about this site. Why did no-one tell me? O_O. It seems decent value – especially if you look in the Bargains section, you can get enough yarn for about 2 1/2 – 3 jumpers on one enormous cone for about £43 (including postage! To anywhere!). I mean, obviously you would probably get really quite fed up of that yarn eventually, sitting lurking in its big cone and oppressing you every time you opened the cupboard. I don’t know about you, but the colour would probably have gone in and out of fashion by the time I made it through my third jumper. In fact you might need to put that cone in your will (obviously, choose your beneficiary wisely). On the other hand, I suppose you might be able to split the cost with a friend. A friend who really likes making balls of wool out of enormous cones. Anyway, I think it is definitely worth a look. (One of these days I am going to do an instructive post comparing price per metre for various yarns from various suppliers, because you know I like to suck all the joy from knitting, schluuuuuuuurp. In fact I found out on Ravelry recently that you can actually knit Swiffer covers out of fun fur, so I just hope I don’t feel compelled to start a Fun Fur Swiffercover Knitalong in the name of Practicality and Utility. Although actually, you’d be surprised how expensive fun fur is!).
I also wanted to say, my mother is resuming her blog tomorrow. She has written it and would have emailed it last night, but there was a bit of an issue with my bloody buggering brother being on the bloody buggering computer at the point she wanted to email it, according to an anguished phone call received while we were watching Dan Cruickshank poking round a country house with someone called Ptolemy. So I am waiting agog and I imagine you are all doing the same. À demain!
Simple life workshops on Zoom UPDATED
3 days ago
Oh my goodness I had not seen that site before. This could be bad...
I don't know how you could be on Ravelry and not know about Colourmart?!!!! At least for those of us who make shawls, Colourmart is one of the mainstay sites for getting great fiber at reduced prices. :)
Oooh Voie de Vie, please explain how they classify the yarn ? I have some that is 8/60NM ....
Colourmart is in the UK as well so we don't need to worry about customs! Is there anything else I don't know about? Could we have full disclosure pls? :-).
I've gotten my cashmere/silk from them before Ravelry when they started out on ebay. The really good colors seem to go pretty fast, or the colors that I had liked at the time.
I didn't have to pay customs in the US.
I think there's even a Colourmart support group on Ravelry to help you figure out what to order, how to order, and (I hope) how to balance your checkbook afterward.
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